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🎁 Upgrade to Feathers-Pinia 2.0 🎁

Feathers-Pinia 2.0 is almost ready for final release. Read the new documentation.

The useGet Utility

The useGet function is a Vue Composition API utility that takes the work out of retrieving individual records from the store or API server.

Overview of Features

  • Stored Data or Server Data - it works with either as the source.
  • Auto-Updating - change the id and it does the rest.
  • Fall-Through Cache - Always pulls from the store while new data is fetched.
  • Easy Request State - Pending request state is built in.
  • SSR Friendly - Data can load on the server and hydrate on the client.


There are two ways to use useGet: from the store (recommended) or standalone.

You can call useGet directly from the store. the advantage being that you don't have to provide the store in the params, as shown here:

import { useUsers } from '../store/users'

interface Props {
  id: string | number
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const userStore = useUsers()

// client-only example
const { data: user } = userStore.useGet(

// onServer example
const { data: user, isPending, error } = userStore.useGet(, { onServer: true })


In standalone mode, you have to import useGet and provide the store option in the params object, as shown here:

import { useUsers } from '../store/users'
import { useGet } from 'feathers-pinia'

interface Props {
  id: string | number
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const userStore = useUsers()

// client-only example
const { data: user } = useGet(, { store: userStore })

// onServer example
const { data: user, isPending, error } = useGet(, { store: userStore, onServer: true })


useGet(id, params)

  • id {MaybeRef string | number} the id of the record to retrieve. Can be a computed/ref to enable automatic updates to the returned data.
  • params {Object} a combined Feathers Params object and set of options for configuring behavior of useGet.
    • query {Object} a Feathers query object.
    • store {Store} the Feathers-Pinia service store
    • onServer {boolean} sets up a watcher on id that sends API requests when id changes.
    • watch {boolean} can be used to disable the watcher on id while onServer is true.
    • immediate {boolean} can be used to disable the initial request to the API server while onServer is true.

Returned Object

  • id {Ref number | string} is a ref version of the id that was provided as the first argument to useGet. Modifying id.value will cause the data to change.
  • params {Params} is a ref version of the params. Params are not currently watched for useGet.
  • store {Store} the Feathers-Pinia service store
  • data {Computed Object} the record returned from the store. When onServer is provided in the params, the data will be automatically retrieved from the API server, but always returned from the store.
  • ids {Ref Array} is a list of ids that have been retrieved from the API server, in chronological order. May contain duplicates.
  • get {Function} similar to store.get, but if called without any arguments it will fetch/re-fetch the current id.
  • request {Promise} stores the current promise for the get request.
  • requestCount {Ref number} a counter of how many requests to the API server have been made.
  • getFromStore {Function} the same as store.getFromStore.
  • isPending {Computed boolean} returns true if there is a pending request. While true, the data will continue to hold the most recently-fetched record.
  • hasBeenRequested {Computed boolean} returns true if any record has been requested through this instance of useGet. It never resets.
  • hasLoaded {Computed boolean} is similar to isPending but with different wording.
  • error {Computed error} will display any error that occurs. The error is cleared if another request is made or if clearError is called.
  • clearError {Function} can be used to manually clear the error.


Only Query Once Per Record

See the example on the Common Patterns page.

Many thanks go to the Vue, Vuex, Pinia, and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!