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🎁 Upgrade to Feathers-Pinia 2.0 🎁

Feathers-Pinia 2.0 is almost ready for final release. Read the new documentation.


The useGetWatched Composition API utility provides the same fall-through cache functionality as useFindWatched. It has a slightly simpler API, only requiring a model and id instead of the params object. Still, the params object can be used to send along additional query parameters in the request. Below is an example of how you might use the useGet utility.

The goal with the examples is to focus as much as possible on functionality and not boilerplate. As such, all examples use auto-import for Vue APIs like computed and ref. They also use Vue's script setup feature. Both features come preinstalled with the Vitesse Template for Vue and the Vitesse-Feathers-Pinia Demo.

    <div v-if="post">{{ post.body }}</div>
    <div v-else-if="isPending">Loading</div>
    <div v-else>Post not found.</div>

<script setup>
import { useGetWatched } from 'feathers-pinia'
import { usePosts } from '../store/posts'

const postStore = usePosts()

const props = defineProps({
  id: { type: String, required: true },
// Get the post record
const { item: post, isPending } = useGetWatched({ model: postStore.Model, id: })

See the Routing with useGetWatched portion of the patterns section, below, to see how to hook up the above component to vue-router.


Let's look at the TypeScript interface for the UseGetOptions.

interface UseGetOptions {
  model: Function
  id: null | string | number | Ref<null> | Ref<string> | Ref<number>
  params?: Params | Ref<Params>
  queryWhen?: Ref<Function>
  local?: boolean
  immediate?: boolean

And here's a look at each individual property:

  • model must be a Feathers-Pinia Model class. The Model's get and getFromStore methods are used to query data.
  • id must be a record's unique identifier (id or _id, usually) or a ref or computed property which returns one.
    • When the id changes, the API will be queried for the new record (unless queryWhen evaluates to false).
    • If the id is null, no query will be made.
  • params is a FeathersJS Params object OR a Composition API ref (or computed, since they return a ref instance) which returns a Params object.
    • Unlike the useFind utility, useGetWatched does not currently have built-in debouncing.
  • queryWhen must be a computed property which returns a boolean. It provides a logical separation for preventing API requests apart from null in the id.
  • immediate, which is true by default, determines if the internal watch should fire immediately. Set immediate: false and the query will not fire immediately. It will only fire on subsequent changes to the id or params.

Returned Attributes

interface UseGetData {
  item: Ref<any>
  servicePath: Ref<string>
  isPending: Ref<boolean>
  hasBeenRequested: Ref<boolean>
  hasLoaded: Ref<boolean>
  isLocal: Ref<boolean>
  error: Ref<Error>
  get: Function

Many thanks go to the Vue, Vuex, Pinia, and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!