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🎁 Upgrade to Feathers-Pinia 2.0 🎁

Feathers-Pinia 2.0 is almost ready for final release. Read the new documentation.


⚠️ warning ⚠️

The new useFind API has pagination built in and is easier to use. Unless you know you need the standalone functionality provided by this component, it probably makes more sense to try the new useFind, first.

The usePagination utility is designed to pair with useFindWatched. It aids in creating custom pagination interfaces.

Setup Steps

1. Create Pagination Reactive

Create a reactive pagination object. It needs two properties: $limit and$skip:

const pagination = reactive({ $limit: 5, $skip: 0 })

2. Create Computed Params

Create a computed params object that spreads the pagination props into params.query. If pagination happens on the server, set params.paginate to true.

const params = computed(() => {
  return {
    query: {
    paginate: true,

3. params to useFindWatched

Pass the params object into the useFindWatched utility, pulling the items and lastUsedQuery out of the return value:

const { items: users, latestQuery } = useFindWatched({ model: userStore.Model, params })

4. Setup usePagination

Pass the pagination and latestQuery to the usePagination utility, pulling out whichever utilities you can use to create your pagination experience.

const { next, prev, canNext, canPrev, currentPage, pageCount, toPage, toStart, toEnd } = usePagination(pagination, latestQuery)

Complete Example

The full setup script looks like this:

import { useFindWatched, usePagination } from 'feathers-pinia'

const pagination = reactive({ $limit: 5, $skip: 0 })
const params = computed(() => {
  return {
    query: {
    paginate: true,
const { items: users, latestQuery } = useFindWatched({ model: userStore.Model, params })
const {
} = usePagination(pagination, latestQuery)

Return Values

The return value from usePagination is an object containing these 9 utilities:

  • next() {Function} calling next moves to the next page by incrementing the value of $skip. When connected to a "Next Page" button, it enables viewing the next set of results.
  • prev() {Function} calling prev moves to the previous page by decreasing $skip. When connected to a `Previous Page" button, it enables viewing the previous set of results.
  • canNext {Computed<Boolean>} will be true if there is a next page. If it's false, you can style a "Next Page" button to let the user know the that the functionality is not available.
  • canPrev {Computed<Boolean>} will be `true if there is a previous page. If it's false, you can style a "Previous Page" button to let the user know that the functionality is not available.
  • currentPage {Computed<Number>} is the current page number in the overall set of results.
  • itemsCount {Computed<Number>} is the total number of items in the overall set of results.
  • pageCount {Computed<Number>} is the total number of pages that are available in the set of results.
  • toPage(pageNumber) {Function} navigates to the page number provided as the first argument.
  • toStart() {Function} goes to the first page.
  • toEnd() {Function} goes to the last page.

Check out the working example vitesse-feathers-pinia-example.

Many thanks go to the Vue, Vuex, Pinia, and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!